Most credit cards offer some protection against identity theft and may limit the monetary amount you will be responsible for paying. Debit cards do not offer that protection. Because the charges may be instantly deducted from your account, a hacker who obtains your account information may empty your bank account before you even realize it.
If you frequently shop from one particular website you may be tempted to save your payment information for a faster checkout process. Although quick and convenient, saving credit card numbers online means putting your financial information in the hands of someone else. If that data were ever compromised, your credit card information could be stolen […]
Whether you’re shopping for a birthday present, holiday or just treating yourself to something special, ensure you’re doing so from a safe and reputable website. Anytime you input sensitive information, like credit card numbers, you risk exposing yourself to malicious third parties. Check that the website you’re buying from uses SSL protection by taking a […]
Even though computers available at libraries, college campuses and other public locations are convenient resources for low-risk activities like browsing the web or collaborating on documents. They’re less not to good for conducting online banking or shopping transactions, because you can’t be sure they’re totally secure. Bets staying with your own devices and networks for […]
Contactless payment refers to using your smartphone, smartwatch or other wearables to make digital payments in lieu of physical tender. This can be a great convenience for people that prefer to leave their wallet at home, but also spells a great danger if your device falls into the wrong hands – especially if you’re using […]
Although computers may be accessible at libraries, college campuses and other public locations they may be OK for low-risk activities like online browsing or collaborating on documents. They should not be used for conducting activities like online banking or shopping, since you can’t be sure they’re 100 percent secure. Stick to your own devices and […]
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