Archives - Mobile Security

Adjust your Android settings to reduce the possibility of overheating

Cellphone overheating is a real risk that can dramatically impact the functionality of your device. To avoid this issue, turn off your Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connections if you’re not actively using them. Then, turn down your brightness, and exit any minimized programs running in the background. For help with this last part, you may have […]

Avoid potentially harmful apps

Reduce the risk of downloading potentially harmful apps by limiting your download sources to official app stores, such as your device’s manufacturer or operating system app store. Do not download from unknown sources or install untrusted enterprise certificates. Additionally—because malicious apps have been known to slip through the security of even reputable app stores—always read […]

Remove a potentially malicious app from an Android device

Even for the most sophisticated of users, it’s not impossible to download a popular app and then learn about security vulnerabilities later. To remove problematic apps from an Android device, from the Settings menu, click on the tab labeled General. Then select “Apps & notifications.” Click “App info” and select the app you want to […]

Limit location permissions

Some apps have access to the mobile device’s location services and thus have access to the user’s approximate physical location. For apps that require access to location data to function, consider limiting this access to when the app is in use only.

Share Google location data to locate missing devices and keep track of loved ones

Google allows individuals to share their real-time location data with other trusted users. Family members may turn this feature on to help keep tabs on children or elderly individuals in crowded areas, for instance. Sharing locations can also potentially help you track down a missing device. Open Google Maps from your mobile device, and select […]

What are the risks associated with mobile device apps?

Applications (apps) on your smartphone or other mobile devices can be convenient tools to access the news, get directions, pick up a ride share, or play games. But these tools can also put your privacy at risk. When you download an app, it may ask for permission to access personal information—such as email contacts, calendar […]