Archives - Mobile Security

If you notice these strange symptoms, your phone may have been hacked

Although more malware attacks happen to Android users, both Android and iPhone users can be hacked. Common signs include: A noticeably sluggish performance with frequent freezing Strange pop-up alerts Outgoing calls and texts you haven’t sent Poor battery life Use a product like Total Defense Mobile Security software to increase your protection from mobile malware […]

Avoid third-party mobile app stores

Mobile phone and tablet software should be evaluated by approval teams to ensure their quality and security. These procedures are routine on official app stores but cannot be assured with third-party sources. Consequently, stay clear of unofficial storefronts or sideloaded apps from websites.

Avoid downloading apps for features your device is already capable of

Some users may download something like a QR code scanner or camera app without realizing their smartphone has these apps and features pre-installed. While some of these other apps may be safe, a lot of them can be a front for malicious software. Installing them may lead to your data being stolen or a loss […]

Carefully consider granting application permissions

Mobile apps often ask for numerous permissions, including access to your camera, contacts list and geolocation. Think hard before permitting them, since some applications only want these abilities for data harvesting purposes. For example, it’s not usually vital to give Facebook access to your location, or to let Instagram listen in on your microphone.

Disconnect your smart device from any Wi-Fi connections when not in use

While it’s generally a good idea to avoid using public Wi-Fi networks, sometimes they’re a necessary evil. If you do have to use one, disconnect them from any Wi-Fi connections when not in use. You never know who (or what) could be connected to a public Wi-Fi network, especially while you’re away from your device.

Update your mobile apps and operating systems often

Outdated applications and Operating Systems (OS) are a breeding ground for malware since they often have known vulnerabilities that can only be fixed by upgrading. If you see a new version is available, install it right away. Many platforms, such as Apple iOS, even allow you to automatically schedule security updates so you don’t miss […]