Archives - Mobile Security

Tell Google Home to only recognize your voice

Voice Match is a useful function for any Google Home device. Essentially, it makes sure the AI only responds to you and your family, so any visitors can’t access sensitive information on their own. Train Google by opening the Home app and going to Assistant Settings > Voice Match > Add A Device. You’ll have […]

Make unique accounts for each user per device

Create individual accounts that grant only the access and permissions required by each user. When you need to grant daily use accounts administrative permissions, only do so temporarily. This precaution decreases the impact of bad choices, such as clicking on phishing emails or visiting malicious websites.

Don’t forget about laptop security before you head back to school

The summer is always an incredible opportunity to take time away from your devices to enjoy the sun, the sand, and whatever else you and your family may still have planned. But, when summer does come to an end and school starts up again, your laptop will become an important part of your day-to-day life. […]

Manage push notifications on your mobile device

Push notifications pop up on your phone home and lock screen so you don’t miss important information or updates. These can be really useful for you to see important information as soon as it arrives, but it also runs the risk of allowing others to see personal information you may want kept private. Adjust push […]

Only use your own devices and don’t let others use yours

Especially when you want to do anything that requires you to log in, avoid using other people’s computers or devices. This goes for public access machines in cafes or libraries too. Bad actors can install a type of malware known as a keylogger, which tracks every keystroke and stores it, allowing them to discover your […]

Delete unused non-critical apps

It’s quite normal to have a bunch of apps on your phone, lots of which you may not have opened in months or even years. Unless they include important information or functionality, it’s normally worthwhile to delete them. Not only will you free up space, you can save yourself any trouble that might stem from […]