Archives - Mobile Security

Utilize biometric authentication for sensitive apps

Biometric authentication is considered one of the most secure and convenient methods of user authentication for sensitive applications. This technology leverages fingerprint recognition, facial recognition, iris scanning, voice recognition and — in certain cases — behavioral biometrics to facilitate streamlined, secure access.  This approach eliminates the need for memorizing and managing complex passwords, making it […]

Configure your smartphone to automatically lock after a short period of inactivity

While there’s no one-size-fits-all for how long it should take for your phone to lock following inactivity, generally, the earlier, the better — though, not at the complete expense of convenience. Consider setting an automatic inactivity lock on your smartphone after approximately five minutes or fewer, depending on preference. This, in turn, will help improve […]

Periodically review the permissions granted to mobile apps

If you use Apple, you can access app permissions in the Settings app under “Privacy.” For Android, this can typically be found in the “Apps” or “Application Manager” section of the Settings app. Revoke unnecessary permissions for apps that don’t require them, limiting their access to your personal information. Notably, be particularly mindful of granting […]

Regularly review and update your list of authorized devices

Particularly concerning sensitive accounts, such as your email, online banking and cloud storage, regular reviews and the updating of authorized devices thereof act as a defense against potential security threats. If you identify a new device that you either don’t recognize or no longer use, remove it immediately and file a report if necessary. Here […]

Log out of public computers to protect your privacy and security

When you log in to a public computer, such as one at a library, kiosk, or other public place, your activities could be monitored. This is because public computers are often shared by many people, and anyone with access to the computer could potentially view your browsing history, search queries, and login credentials. To protect […]

Implement an MDM solution

Deploying a mobile device management (MDM) system is deemed a must for enterprises aiming to safeguard and govern corporate-owned mobile devices effectively. MDM software facilitates administrators to remotely set up, supervise and fortify devices utilized within the company. This ensures the implementation of strong security measures, such as device encryption, passcode mandates and data wipe […]