Archives - Mobile Security

If your device is no longer receiving updates, think about upgrading

Countless smartphones, tablets and laptops are eventually abandoned by their manufacturers, at least when it comes to regular security and operating system updates. When this happens to a device you rely on, consider switching it out for a newer or alternative version or one that is still getting these critical patches and upgrades.

Shorten your device’s automatic lock setting

You should never leave your device unlocked when you walk away from it. However, we all make mistakes. You can alter the amount of time it takes for your device to lock on its own to add an extra layer of protection. Shorten the timer to as short as you are comfortable — less than […]

Ensure that your employer uses mobile device management (MDM) if you use your own device at work

If you choose to use your own device at work, your employer does not have the ability to wipe your device clean remotely unless they use mobile device management (MDM). If your device gets lost or stolen, a hacker may be able to access your device and whatever sensitive information it contains about your company. […]

Invest in a portable phone charger

Hackers can use public charging stations to install malware on your device, so we recommend never using a public phone charger. However, if you are out and your phone is about to die, you may feel as though you don’t have any other choice. If you invest in a portable phone charger and keep it […]

Browse with Frost on your Android device

If you have an Android phone, consider using Frost for your internet browsing, especially when conducting research on private topics. Frost automatically blocks pop-ups and most ads, and it wipes your browser history as soon as you close the application. Additionally, you will need to enter a password in order to access any bookmarks or […]

Switch back to the default keyboard on Android devices

Whether for fun or functionality, somewhere along the lines, it’s possible that you replaced the default keyboard on your Android device. If you’re not 100% sure that the software you’re using is secure, consider switching back to the standard. In Settings, navigate to the General tab, then select “Language & keyboard.”