It’s best to limit the devices you take with you on trips to a minimum. Whether it be a smartphone, tablet or computer, any one of these devices could expose your personal information if it’s misplaced or falls into the wrong hands. If you can’t bring it with you, tablets and computers are best left […]
Android is the most popular consumer computer operating system (OS) in the world. Although it has a reputation for being less safe than its main competitor, Apple’s iOS, there are steps most people can take to sharply reduce the risk to their devices and data. Let’s look at ten things you can do as an […]
Most smartphones have features that save on cellular data usage. For example, phones can automatically detect previously used Wi-Fi networks and connect to them when within range. Although you may save on data, you also risk compromising your device’s security. Public networks are less secure, therefore they are more susceptible to attacks. Prevent this issue […]
To prevent theft, loss of sensitive information and unauthorized access to your personal information, don’t leave your mobile devices unattended in a public area. That also includes any USB or external storage devices you may carry with you. While traveling, if you plan on leaving any devices in your hotel room, be sure those items […]
While online sports betting is slowly legalized throughout the United States, bettors are jumping at the opportunity to make a wager. To protect your bets — but more importantly, your personal and financial data — make sure you’re only signing up for a verified sportsbook. Assess an operator’s track record before placing bets, including available […]
In updates to its Pixel line of smartphones, Google is upgrading the device’s security features. With a new dashboard, users can see if their device is up to date with the latest security updates, or if there’s an app on their phone that could be harmful. Users will also be able to tell if their […]
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