Archives - Mobile Security

Try using of third-party payment services

Entering your card number into a website is both a hassle and a possible risk if someone is looking over your shoulder or monitoring the network. A better alternative is to just use something like PayPal or Apple Pay, which allows you to check out with a relatively streamlined process using pre-saved payment details.

Only connect via password-protected wi-fi or cellular

When shopping online, get the maximum possible security and privacy for your transactions. That means never buying anything while connected to public or open Wi-Fi networks, or even to the Wi-Fi of someone you don’t know well. Stick to your own Wi-Fi or to cellular service like 5G for the safest results.

Choose credit over debit when paying online

Many e-commerce web sites have pretty good security. But a great way to increase your security is to pay with credit, or a prepaid gift and do not use debit.  This may protect your identity and further protect your bank account from theft.

Hover over links before you click on them

Links can’t always be trusted to go where they say they do. To avoid falling into a trap, hover your mouse over a link you’re not sure of to see where it leads. If you’re on a mobile device, you can usually do a light tap and hold on a link to preview where it […]

Be careful of the permissions you give to apps

Be wary of app permissions that don’t seem appropriate. If an app wants access to the information in your email accounts, for example, it may be trying to steal personal data. It can be tricky to know for sure if an app permission request is legitimate or not, so err on the side of caution […]

Be careful of malicious apps on smartphones

Apple and Google try to keep their app stores clean of malware, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Don’t download any apps that seem suspicious, and check the user reviews to make sure everyone’s experience with the app has been safe. Getting rid of bad apps on your smartphone can be exceedingly difficult once […]