There are several reasons you’d want to stay aware of what happens with your credit card. You don’t want unwanted recurring charges draining your bank account — maybe you stopped using a particular streaming service months ago and are still being charged for it. You’ll also want to stay on top of your credit statements […]
Some sites or people online might say they need your credit card information for something like identity verification. Don’t respond to these requests. Be extremely careful whenever you give anyone or any website or app financial information that can be used to charge you.
Contactless technology is fantastic, it allows us to pay for small transactions quickly and easily without the trouble of punching in a PIN. But it also leaves you vulnerable to having your account infiltrated by anyone with an RFID reader and the right nefarious software. To protect your cards from unwanted transactions and fraud, purchase […]
Lots of smartphones now include NFC chips that allow them to be tapped at point-of-sale terminals. Payment options like Apple Pay are both convenient and highly secure, since they don’t transmit your actual card number to a merchant, only a unique identifier associated with your device.
Especially with the rise of online banking, mobile payments and online buying, it’s more important than ever to keep an eye on your financial accounts and check them routinely for possible fraud. Check your bank and credit card statements carefully to make sure there’s nothing improper happening.
In the permissions settings for most apps — where applicable — you have the option to turn off in-app purchases. This is highly recommended, as it means the app cannot access your banking details and it will protect you from accidental purchases that can’t always be undone should you inadvertently select an item that automatically […]
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