Archives - Mobile Apps

Delete any non-critical app you haven’t used for 6 months or more

It’s common to have tons of apps on your devices, many of which you might not have opened in months or even years. Unless they contain vital information or functionality, it’s usually advisable to delete them. Not only will you free up space, you’ll save yourself any trouble that might stem from their use of […]

Know all your mobile apps

Be sure to thoroughly review the details and specifications of an application before you download it. Be aware that the app may request that you share your personal information and permissions. Delete any apps that you are not using to increase your security.

When in doubt, uninstall an app or extension

Chances are you have a lot of apps on your phone or tablet that you don’t use. In 2017, App Annie estimated the average smartphone has 60 to 90 apps installed. It’s important to regularly review all of them and see if any can be deleted, since they might be unsupported, compromised or performing unwanted […]

Consider using mobile payment apps

Paying with a credit or debit card isn’t as risky as it used to be, thanks to the switch to EMV chip technology. However, you can further protect your transactions by setting up payments through services like Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and Google Pay, which utilize additional protections like secure on-device elements inaccessible to other […]

Avoid third-party app stores

Phone and tablet software should be vetted by approval teams to ensure their quality and security. Such processes are routine on official app stores, but cannot be assured with third-party sources. Accordingly, steer clear of unofficial storefronts or sideloaded apps from websites.

Think carefully about application permissions

Mobile apps often ask for many permissions, including access to your camera, contacts list and geolocation. Think twice before granting them, since some applications only want these abilities for data harvesting purposes. For example, it’s not usually necessary to give Facebook access to your location, or to let Instagram listen in on your microphone (unless […]