Archives - Malware

Cover your PC’s webcam when not in use

Most modern laptops and desktops have built-in cameras for video conferencing. Unfortunately, these utilities can be hijacked by malware that continuously spies on you, like the all-seeing telescreens from the novel “1984.” For peace of mind, affix a piece of tape to your webcam when not using it.

3 common myths about malware

Most computer users have at least heard of malware. They know that infections of their PCs, phones or tablets with threats such as viruses and ransomware can lead to performance slowdowns and exposure of personal data. But there’s some truth to the saying that a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing. Awareness of […]

The Worst Malware of 2017

Let’s review some of the biggest malware threats of 2017.

How will facial recognition technology affect your social media accounts?

Facial recognition software is poised to take a leap forward with the launch of the Apple iPhone X. What does it mean for your security and privacy?

How to keep your brand-new PC malware-free

Here’s how to make sure your new PC is protected against malware.

How to protect against spear-phishing on social media

Phishing is becoming more common on social media. How can you keep yourself safe?