Archives - Malware

Reboot devices to purge malware

Many malware variants are stored in RAM, meaning that once you reset the device in question, they disappear. This was the case for the VPN Filter malware that affected many routers. Reboot regularly to stay safe.

Types of Malware: What is a Trojan?

A type of malware that disguises itself as a normal file to trick a user into downloading it in order to gain unauthorized access to a computer.

Turn off UPnP on your Internet router

The recent VPN Filter malware revealed the abundance of security issues in many of the Internet routers we rely on every day. One vulnerability you can close right away involves universal plug and play (UPnP), a service for automatically configuring some devices on the network. Turn it off unless you’re sure you need it.

Use private browsing, but don’t rely on it exclusively to keep you safe

Private browsing is a good way to keep browsing history secret and avoid cluttering your machine with cookies and temporary files. However, it’s not a security measure per se – you can still be spied on and hit with malware infections while nominally incognito. Combine private browsing with antivirus software and other protective measures.

Types of Malware: What is a Virus?

A program that spreads by first infecting files or the system areas of a computer or network router’s hard drive and then making copies of itself. Some viruses are harmless, others may damage data files, and some may destroy files entirely.

Don’t plug untrusted USB peripherals into your device

One of the side stories of a 2018 international summit in Singapore was the provision of USB-powered fans to members of the media. Such peripherals can be dangerous. They might carry malware that can hijack connected devices. Never plug in a peripheral that you don’t trust or that comes from an unknown vendor.