Archives - Malware

Use caution with email attachments and untrusted links

Users clicking on a malicious email attachment or a link commonly spread Malware. Don’t open attachments or click on links unless you’re sure they’re safe, even if they come from a person you know. Be especially suspicious of attachments with sensational names, emails that contain misspellings, or emails that try to entice you into clicking […]

Pay close attention to sluggish device performance

When your phone, tablet or PC becomes slower, it’s easy to chalk it up to the device getting older or the network struggling with the request. Sometimes, there’s a different cause, though – malware. An infection can slow even a relatively new device to a crawl. Use a reputable antivirus tool to scan for and […]

Know the differences between viruses, malware and ransomware

These terms are often used interchangeably but they refer to different threats. Viruses can self-replicate and spread easily through a computer or network. Ransomware is designed to hold data hostage by encrypting it and asking you to pay for the decryption key. Malware is a broad category that includes these two threats and many others.

Be careful with public charging stations and other ports

Airports, buses and other venues may feature publicly available USB ports you can use to charge your devices. Unless you desperately need a recharge, it’s best to avoid plugging in, as you might be putting your phone or tablet at risk of surveillance and malware infection.

Review your financial statements regularly for anomalies

Some malware and viruses can harvest the login information and personal details necessary to conduct fraudulent transactions in your name. For that reason, you should always scan your financial statements for any mysterious charges so you can alert the institution and take corrective steps like changing your passwords.

Keep an eye on any older devices you’re still using

There’s nothing wrong with holding on to a phone, tablet or PC for years, with two important qualifiers. If its support has reached end-of-life and connected to the internet, you should consider moving on. Devices that meet these criteria are at heightened risk of malware infections since they contain unpatched vulnerabilities.