Archives - Laptops

Remove the wrist rest, embrace good mouse habits!

Let’s be honest, spending hours in front of a computer can take a toll on your body. While we often focus on posture and typing techniques, proper mouse usage is equally important for preventing wrist strain and discomfort. First things first: ditch the wrist rest. Believe it or not, those seemingly helpful wrist rests can […]

Unleash your laptop’s potential: the power of a docking station

Modern laptops are sleek and minimalist, often sporting just a single USB-C port or two. While this sleek design is appealing, it can limit your connectivity options. Enter the docking station. Think of a docking station as a port expander for your laptop. You connect your laptop to the dock via a single cable (usually […]

Use dark mode to preserve battery

Lots of smartphone users switch their display to dark mode because they find it easier on the eyes. But, it can conserve your battery life, too. Organic light-emitting diode (OLED) devices use individual light-emitting diodes to light the screen, which means that less electricity is used in dark mode because fewer bulbs are at work. […]

Use night-shift for better sleep

Our digital screens project lots of blue light that our brains interpret as daytime, which is why it’s advisable not to use them an hour before we plan to go to sleep. Most laptops and smartphones have a “night shift” setting that automatically converts your screen’s color to warmer ones during specified hours so that […]

Practice good eyesight hygiene to help with eye strain

All backlit screens emit blue light. While this makes them easy to see in a dark room, over-exposure can lead to eye strain. Looking at a screen right before bed can also harm your sleep patterns because the brain treats blue light as sunlight, telling your body it’s time to wake up instead of sleep. […]

Prevent carpal tunnel with wrist wrests

Anyone who uses a computer for long periods of time is vulnerable to painful carpal tunnel syndrome. A great way to help prevent it is to use wrist rests on your mousepad and below your keyboard. These will help keep your joints straight as you type and click. Also, taking breaks to stretch your wrists […]