Archives - Laptop Security

How to Shut Down, Sleep and Hibernate Your Windows 11 PC

In the decades since Microsoft introduced its game-changing operating system, there have been numerous iterations of the desktop OS. Windows 11 currently holds the mantle of flagship product, with the company naturally keen to push the latest version to its user base. Microsoft dominates the OS marketplace, with around 77% of all desktop devices worldwide […]

Don’t get rid of a hard drive without really erasing it

When you remove something on your computer hard drive, it’s not really gone, just inaccessible through the normal user interface. To really get rid of it, you’ll need specialized software that overwrites the deleted data multiple times. Also, keeping your old drives in storage instead of throwing or giving them away will also lower your […]

Don’t forget about laptop security before you head back to school

The summer is always an incredible opportunity to take time away from your devices to enjoy the sun, the sand, and whatever else you and your family may still have planned. But, when summer does come to an end and school starts up again, your laptop will become an important part of your day-to-day life. […]

Create a dedicated administrator account on your computer

If you log in as admin on your computer for day-to-day use, you leave your whole system vulnerable to  infiltration. Should a hacker gain access to your admin account, they’ll be able to track, install and change pretty much anything they want. Instead, create a separate, dedicated administrator login that you only use when you […]

Modify unnecessary default features on new PCs

Remove unnecessary software, modify or delete unnecessary default features that will reduce attackers’ opportunities. Review the features that are enabled by default on your computer, and disable or customize those you don’t need or don’t plan on using. As with removing unnecessary software, be sure to research features before modifying or disabling them.

Traveling? Stuff your suitcase with these cybersecurity tips and best practices

Whether traveling abroad, across the country or even just around town, it’s always best to be well prepared. And in the digital age, that means packing your bags with all the cybersafety know-how you possibly can. Luckily, you don’t need to make any extra space in your carry-on luggage. Keeping cybersecurity in mind is enough […]