Archives - Hybrid Workplace

Be cautious with workplace chat services

With the large increase in the hybrid workplace, many chat Apps like Slack have become are hugely popular in today’s workplaces. However, they can log your conversations and may allow supervisors to view information without your knowledge. It’s best to use discretion or resort to other communications channels for non-work-related private matters.

Use your laptop’s screen lock feature when you leave your workstation

Whether you’re working in public or in the office, it’s important to secure your laptop when you leave it unattended. Many newer laptops contain a very practical screen lock tool. Much the same way a computer would automatically lock after a few minutes, this allows you to manually initiate the feature. While your device continues […]

Working from home? Protect your company’s data by limiting the number of data transfers

Especially in a hybrid work environment, people are jumping from one device to another. Transferring data between so many devices puts sensitive material at risk. The more devices that contain that information, the more points of entry for a cybercriminal to strike.

Security Challenges of the Hybrid Workplace

The events of the last two years have largely shuttered offices and left many businesses working from home. Although it took some adjusting, this new, hybrid model has done wonders for productivity. According to Enterprise Technology Research, as shared by Reuters, productivity was so high in 2020 that the percentage of people working from home […]