Archives - HTTPS

A guide to defending yourself from advanced phishing attacks

The word “phishing” might conjure up images of relaxing by a lake or stream to catch some fish, but there’s nothing laid-back about it. Phishing campaigns lure you with seemingly must-click offers – anything from get-rich-quick schemes to insistent security updates – and then steal your personal data. While phishing is among the oldest and […]

Ensure websites you visit are encrypted

When entering personal information over the Internet, make sure the website is encrypted. Encrypted websites use https://. Look for https:// on every page, not just the login or welcome page. Where an encrypted option is available, you can add an “s” to the “http” address prefix and force the website to display the encrypted version.

5 things you might not have known about web browser security

The web browser was the internet’s first breakthrough app. Although internet connectivity had existed in limited form since late 1960s…

Avoid online shopping through public networks

Avoid online shopping, banking, and sensitive work that requires passwords or credit card information while using public Wi-Fi. And only use sites that begin with “https://” when online shopping or banking.

Always visit HTTPS websites if possible

HTTPS encrypts the data you exchange with websites that use it. In contrast, HTTP sends that same information in plain text. Look for a padlock in the URL bar of your browser to verify HTTPS. Never perform sensitive transactions such as e-commerce purchases over HTTP. Use the HTTPS Everywhere Tool from the Electronic Frontier Foundation […]

4 Tips for Secure Web Browsing

Let’s look at some simple measures you can take to improve your safety while browsing the internet.