Archives - Facebook

Turn off or reduce Facebook emails

Facebook sends a lot of emails. If you don’t like them filling up your inbox, you can turn them off on Facebook’s site at Settings -> Notifications -> Email. Doing so will also make it easier to spot any fake emails in the future, from services claiming to be Facebook.

Customize default security configurations on social media

Facebook and Twitter have an ever-changing collection of settings you can fine-tune for better security and privacy. Don’t just use the defaults – instead look through the selections to find the ones that limit who can see your data and reduce your overall exposure. A good example is Twitter’s ability to mute specific accounts and […]

Log out of your Facebook account on devices you’re not using

Facebook provides a way for you to see when and where you logged into the site/app. If you are still logged in from a browser or device you haven’t used in days or weeks, it’s prudent to log out so that someone else doesn’t gain access to your account.

Disconnect untrusted devices from your Facebook account

Facebook security can be tricky, especially since the company’s apps are quite complicated and difficult to navigate. Chances are, you have accessed Facebook from multiple devices and applications, making it important to periodically review them. Check out the Security tab in the Settings page for Facebook to see where you’re logged in and which browsers […]

Set up login alerts for your Facebook account

Is someone else trying to log in to your Facebook account? If you’re worried about this possibility, be sure to configure login alerts. You can do this on the Facebook main site or app under the Security and Login menu. Turning on alerts will ensure you receive an email or Facebook notification on a recognized […]

Change your password within the Facebook iOS app

It’s prudent to regularly change your Facebook password, in light of how commonly targeted social media accounts are by cyberattackers, not to mention Facebook’s long history of not disclosing the full severity of data breaches upfront. In the iPhone/iPad app, you can easily change it by tapping the three-line icon in the bottom right corner […]