Archives - Encryption

What is cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is a digital currency used as a medium of exchange, similar to other currencies. However, unlike other currencies, cryptocurrency operates independently of a central bank and uses encryption techniques and blockchain technology to secure and verify transactions.

Encrypt your Android device with a passcode

Android has never had the same reputation for security as iOS or desktop operating systems. That doesn’t mean it lacks useful protections, though. On most devices, you can first set up a PIN and then go to Security -> Settings and enable the Encrypt Phone option. Note that initial encryption can take a while and […]

What are web site certificates?

If a company wants to have a secure web site that uses encryption, it needs to obtain a site, or host, certificate. There are two elements that indicate that a site uses: 1. a closed padlock, which, depending on your browser, may be located in the status bar at the bottom of your browser window […]

Avoid email if you’re transmitting sensitive information

Email is based on an old set of protocols with few privacy protections. Don’t send your most sensitive information (like your Social Security number) over email if possible. Use encrypted chat or a voice call instead.

What is encryption?

In very basic terms, encryption is a way to send a message in code. The only person who can decode the message is the person with the correct key; to anyone else, the message looks like a random series of letters, numbers, and characters. Encryption is especially important if you are trying to send sensitive […]

Ensure websites you visit are encrypted

When entering personal information over the Internet, make sure the website is encrypted. Encrypted websites use https://. Look for https:// on every page, not just the login or welcome page. Where an encrypted option is available, you can add an “s” to the “http” address prefix and force the website to display the encrypted version.