If you don’t want anyone stealing your personal info, make sure to encrypt your online submission. SSL and https are two encryption methods. You can usually spot them when you see a lock icon on the bottom right corner of the window. Most times, sites will also let you know if your data is encrypted […]
Without encryption, the data you send or store can be read by anyone who gains access to it. One option is to use a virtual private network (VPN), which is vital if you’re using a public network. But you can also often encrypt files in cloud or external storage. Some cloud hosts will do this […]
This means the message is always protected while traveling from the sender to the receiver. Unfortunately, email and many chat apps do not use this type of encryption. When looking for secure apps, make sure to read the details of their encryption measures. Additionally, if you are concerned about the privacy of your emails, consider […]
As over 20,000 USB memory sticks are lost each year in the U.S. alone, it’s a wise idea to protect any data you might keep on one with encryption. There are two ways you can do this. You can buy encrypted USB drives that use hardware to protect whatever you store on them, or you […]
There are still a lot of websites out there that haven’t made the switch to secure connection. It’s easy to spot these if you check the URL before going to the site. Look at the prefix in the address bar; if it is “https://” then you’re safe. If it’s “http://” it means the site is […]
Encryption refers to the process of converting data into secret code so that outsiders can’t read the information if they were to access the communication. In other words, it keeps your information private. Most Wi-Fi routers have built-in encryption services that can be accessed in the settings. Log into your router’s settings and select the […]
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