Archives - Encryption

Keep your chats private: no snoops with end-to-end encryption

We all love the convenience of messaging apps, but have you ever wondered who else might be reading your chats? Without end-to-end encryption, your messages could be vulnerable to prying eyes. Think of it like sending a postcard versus a sealed letter. A postcard is open for anyone to read, while a sealed letter keeps […]

iMessage isn’t always the safest choice for sensitive conversations

iMessage is a convenient way to stay connected with friends and family. However, it’s important to be aware of its potential security risks. The Man-in-the-Middle Threat: One of the primary concerns with iMessage is its susceptibility to “man-in-the-middle” attacks. In this type of attack, a malicious actor can intercept and potentially modify your messages. While […]

Shielding your data: the power of Full Disk Encryption (FDE)

In today’s digital world, our devices are filled with sensitive information, from personal photos to financial data. Protecting this data from unauthorized access is crucial. That’s where full disk encryption (FDE) comes into play. Imagine your data as a treasure chest. FDE is like adding a powerful lock to that chest, making it nearly impossible […]

Flash drives are handy but not super secure

Flash drives are awesome for carrying your files around, but security-wise, they’re more like a backpack than a bank vault. Why? Because anyone with access to the computer you plug it into could potentially see your stuff. Plus, if you lose the drive, anyone who finds it could access your data too! So how can […]

Spot the safe sites–understanding website certificates

Ever notice a little padlock next to a website address? Or maybe a URL that starts with “https” instead of “http”? These are clues that a website takes security seriously and protects your information. Here’s the deal: secure websites use encryption, a fancy way of scrambling your data so only the website can read it. […]

Encrypt sensitive data

Encryption is a cornerstone of data security — without it, you significantly increase your susceptibility to data breaches. Two common and widely adopted data encryption methods are public key (asymmetric encryption) and private key (symmetric encryption). By encrypting sensitive information, you add an extra layer of protection and, in turn, make it difficult for malicious […]