Archives - Cybersecurity

Make unique accounts for each user per device

Create individual accounts that grant only the access and permissions required by each user. When you need to grant daily use accounts administrative permissions, only do so temporarily. This precaution decreases the impact of bad choices, such as clicking on phishing emails or visiting malicious websites.

A Quick Guide to Cyberbullying Awareness and Prevention

Technology has added an expansive convenience to our lives, especially when it comes to communication. The recent pandemic led to millions of people having to pivot to conducting business and personal activities online that would otherwise be done in person. Companies went completely online and schools switched to a virtual learning space where comments and […]

Disable WPS on your home Wi-Fi router

Most home Wi-Fi routers have a WPS button on them. This button allows you to connect to the Wi-Fi network without a password and therefore presents a liability to your home digital network security. Fortunately, you can easily disable this button. The method to do so varies from one manufacturer to another, but it’s generally […]

Proactively train employees on cybersecurity

Establishing a culture of cybersecurity at your organization begins with training everybody on the basics and best practices that should be followed – but it doesn’t end there. You should be training and retraining your workforce throughout the year rather than sitting everyone down for an annual meeting. Provide timely updates about cybersecurity threats and […]

Are you building a website? Choose your hosting company carefully

When it comes to launching a website, you put a lot of trust in the company that ultimately hosts it. If the host company suffers a data breach, your website’s information could fall into the wrong hands. That’s why it’s critical for you to ensure your host is equipped with ample cybersecurity. Be sure they […]

What is a website security certificate?

A website security certificate is also known as an SSL, an HTTPS certificate, and an SSL server certificate. It allows websites to display that padlock in the web address bar. There are two elements that signify that a site uses: one is a closed padlock, which, depending on your browser, may be positioned in the […]