Archives - Cybersecurity Tips

Both Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge collect your browsing data, but Mozilla Firefox doesn’t

If you’re concerned about privacy, of all the major browsers, Mozilla Firefox collects the least amount of personal data. The only information it collects from you is basic, anonymous usage data tied to a random identifier — not a name or email address, as every other major browser does. This makes Mozilla Firefox a remarkably […]

Don’t neglect external hard drives as useful backup tools

While cloud backups are common, they may not be as secure as you think. Cloud storage can go offline just like any other internet service and leave you unable to access vital files. In the worst-case scenario, your cloud storage provider can experience a data breach. External hard drives can be reliable physical backups for […]

Use biometrics whenever possible, but especially the more secure types

Biometrics aren’t all equally secure. Face unlock, for example, is less secure than a fingerprint because fingerprints are very difficult to fake, but a similar face may be able to unlock your data. In contrast, iris recognition and voice recognition are far more secure, offering highly personalized and hard-to-replicate keys to your digital kingdom.

10 best practices for protecting your personal data online

Cyberattacks are commonly associated with breaches in organizational data, causing businesses significant financial and reputation damage. Yet, among the 2,200 daily cyberattacks are individuals who face breaches in their personal data — whether financial records, sensitive information or personal communications. Cybercriminals work to identify gaps to exploit an individual’s digital security measures; unknowing victims often offer […]

Report social media behavior that goes against the Terms of Service

The internet can bring out the worst in people when they feel they can say whatever they want with impunity. Unfortunately, there’s too much hate speech, harassment and other disruptive behavior on social media — and these platforms need you to report inappropriate behavior that hurts everyone’s experiences. For your sake and others, don’t tolerate […]

Avoid participating in online quizzes  

Online quizzes have become a significant cultural trend, thanks to companies like BuzzFeed. They ask questions like “Which Succession character are you?” or “Do you remember these 90s TV shows?”. However, before you decide to engage with such quizzes, think about doing something else. The reason is that these quizzes are primarily created to gather […]