Archives - Cybercriminal

Educate yourself on the most popular types of cyberattacks

Cybercrime is a constantly-evolving threat that is always finding new ways to breach your privacy. For example, phishing attacks develop new tactics to make them look legitimate, malware developers discover new ways to install them onto your device, and data breaches at companies that store private consumer information happen at alarming rates. To help protect […]

Notify the authorities if you believe someone is using your personal information to commit fraud

While it’s important to do your part to practice safe surfing and stay on top of your credit activity, if a cybercriminal is successful in committing fraud in your name — such as by using your information to collect unemployment payments — there’s a chance you could end up liable. To help protect you from […]

Know how savvy cybercriminals think

Skilled cybercriminals who get a hold of your credit or debit card information typically won’t start making large charges right away. If they did, you or your bank would catch them quickly. Instead, they’ll begin with small purchases and work their way up into larger transactions. This makes them harder to detect. It’s vital to […]

Watch out for shoulder surfing

When you are in public areas cybercriminals can simply glance over your shoulder as you type. By just watching you, they can steal sensitive or personal information. Screen protectors which prevent shoulder-surfers from seeing your device screen can be purchased for a small expense. For smaller devices, such as phones, be aware of your surroundings […]

If making a donation online, make sure the source is legitimate

Cybercriminals are beginning to take advantage of natural disasters, relief efforts and other events that may spur a lot of charitable donations. Scammers hoping to capitalize on hurricane disaster relief, for example, might set up a false donation site to fool unwitting people. By soliciting donations in the name of a reputable cause, scammers hide […]

Be mindful of crypto scams

Cryptocurrencies have increased in popularity in recent years. Consequently, blockchains have also been the target of cybercriminals. Cryptos, like Bitcoin, use security keys to protect currency with unique corresponding sets of letters and numbers. Despite these measures, bad actors are increasingly using cryptocurrencies to steal information and collect ransom. Before purchasing a coin, make sure […]