Archives - Child Safety

Turn on parental controls for Netflix and YouTube

These video streaming services allow for password-protected parent controls to constrain what children can view. When used on YouTube in particular, these protections are useful for protecting your kids from the misinformation campaigns and scams that are prevalent on the site.

If you have young children, start their digital training early

Nowadays, children are drawn to their devices. If your children frequently access the internet, it’s best to begin training them early on about staying safe and avoiding threats. The more familiar they become now, the better their digital habits will be in the future. Children are more vulnerable to cyber attacks and phishing scams because […]

Setup child computer safety rules

Make sure your child knows the boundaries of what she is allowed to do on the computer and warn about inherent dangers. These boundaries should be appropriate for the child’s age, knowledge, and maturity, but they may include rules about how long she is allowed to be on the computer, what sites she is allowed […]

Talk to your child about in-game currency

A large majority of modern online video games feature both in-game and premium currency. The difference between the two is that premium currency costs real-world money, and several of them make it possible to purchase this currency with the click of a button. Talk to your child before playing an online game and make sure […]

Install YouTube Kids for your children

If your kids have their own tablets or smartphones, or if they use a shared family device, installing YouTube Kids is a good way to ensure they browse safely. YouTube Kids screens content and only allows users to view what’s appropriate for children aged 2-12. The ads on YouTube kids are limited and kid-friendly, and […]

Remind your kids never to give out personal information

Help kids remember that cybersecurity should always be a priority and not to share info such as name, home address, or telephone number, to anyone they don’t know through email, TikTok, Facebook, or other online forums. Talk with your children about the online risks of interacting with strangers through the computer and sending notes and […]