Archives - Apps

Delete any unused apps

Decluttering is associated with wardrobes or collections of physical item such as books, but it’s just as applicable to digital assets, too – like your apps. If you’re updating apps and notice one that you haven’t used in months or even ever, delete it. You’ll be saving yourself not only a potential privacy and security […]

Avoid side-loading apps

Side-loading is the practice of downloading applications that have not been approved by the operating system’s official app store. It’s usually not worth the risk, as there’s no assurance these apps have been scanned for malware. Stick to the official channels.

Delete any non-critical app you haven’t used for 6 months or more

It’s common to have tons of apps on your devices, many of which you might not have opened in months or even years. Unless they contain vital information or functionality, it’s usually advisable to delete them. Not only will you free up space, you’ll save yourself any trouble that might stem from their use of […]

Use messaging apps with end-to-end encryption

End-to-end encryption (E2EE) protects your communications during their entire journeys from sender to recipient. Apps like Signal and WhatsApp, as well as the iMessage and FaceTime services on Apple platforms, deploy E2EE to keep your messages private. Defer to E2EE-protected services whenever possible.

Be careful with workplace chat services

Apps like Slack and HipChat are enormously popular in today’s workplaces. However, they log your conversations and may allow supervisors to view information without your knowledge. Use discretion or resort to other communications channels for private matters.

Avoid third-party app stores

Phone and tablet software should be vetted by approval teams to ensure their quality and security. Such processes are routine on official app stores, but cannot be assured with third-party sources. Accordingly, steer clear of unofficial storefronts or sideloaded apps from websites.