Archives - Antivirus Software

Install antivirus on all your devices

To be most effective, antivirus software needs to be in installed on all of your devices. Most people have long since moved beyond the days of having a single desktop PC, and have expanded to laptops, tablets, and 2-in-1s in addition to their phones. Think about investing in AV software that can be installed on […]

Look out for fake antivirus solutions

Antivirus software is a valuable tool if it’s from a legitimate vendor. There are a lot of fake AV solutions out there that assertively try to get you to install them so that they can collect your information. Only purchase Antivirus software from trusted vendors like Total Defense.

Zero-day bugs and the importance of regular updates

Zero-day bugs have been a hot topic for cybersecurity in 2022. Google’s July announcement of its fourth zero-day exploit of the year is enough to worry even everyday Chrome users. But are zero-day bugs really cause for concern? Let’s look at what zero-day means, how it’s exploited by hackers and what you can do to […]

Look for multi-device online security solutions

Most days you are using multiple computing devices throughout the day to access the internet. No matter which ones you use, be sure you’re running security software that works across all of them. Leading options like Total Defense Ultimate Internet Security can be installed on as many as 10 different devices.

Limit how many antivirus programs you install

Security Suites that incorporate both antivirus and anti-spyware capabilities together are now available, like our Total Defense Ultimate product. If you decide to choose separate programs, you only need one antivirus program and one anti-spyware program. Installing more programs increases your risk for problems.

Launch monthly malware checks

Have you been infected with malware? Aside from the regular warnings signs – popups, crashes, random messages and redirected browsers – there may be something you’ve missed. Run a malware scan every month or so to make sure you haven’t been compromised. Antivirus software will often give you a free scan, and if it does […]