
Suspicious email? Don’t click! Here’s how to spot a phishing scam

Ever get an email that just feels…off? Maybe it’s from a friend but the tone seems strange, or it has an urgent request out of the blue. Hold on! These could be phishing scams. Here’s how to stay safe:

  • Weird = Warning Sign: Unfamiliar email addresses, strange wording, or unexpected attachments are all red flags. Don’t click links or open attachments!
  • Second Guess, Then Delete: When in doubt, delete it! You can always check with the sender directly (by phone, not email) if you’re unsure.
  • Contact the Source: If the email claims to be from a bank, credit card company, or other service, reach out to them directly. Don’t use phone numbers or links in the email – find their official contact information.

Phishing for Information:

Scammers use phishing emails to trick you into revealing personal information like passwords or credit card details. They might:

  • Fake Familiarity: Pretend to be someone you know, like a friend or colleague.
  • Urgency Creates Hurry: Pressure you to act fast, leaving no time to think clearly.
  • Too-Good-To-Be-True Offers: Promise amazing deals or threaten consequences to grab your attention.

Don’t trust everything you see in your inbox. If an email seems suspicious, delete it and contact the sender directly through a trusted channel. Stay safe out there.