
Public Wi-Fi: not risk free

Free Wi-Fi is tempting, but it’s like leaving your front door unlocked. Public Wi-Fi networks are basically open houses for hackers. They can easily eavesdrop on your online activities and steal your personal information.

Imagine having a conversation in a crowded room, knowing anyone could be listening in. That’s basically what using public Wi-Fi is like. Hackers can grab your credit card information, passwords, and even your emails.

So, how can you stay safe?

  • Stick to Your Own Network: Whenever possible, use your home Wi-Fi or your phone’s hotspot. These networks are more secure.
  • VPN is Your Friend: A Virtual Private Network (VPN) creates a secure tunnel between your device and the internet, protecting your data from prying eyes.
  • Be Careful What You Share: Avoid accessing sensitive information, like online banking or shopping, on public Wi-Fi.
  • Look for the Lock: If you must use public Wi-Fi, make sure the network is secured with WPA2 or WPA3 encryption.

Remember, a little extra caution goes a long way. By following these tips, you can enjoy the convenience of public Wi-Fi without putting your personal information at risk.