
Don’t toss your old phone to the curb

Upgrading to a new phone is exciting, but don’t just toss your old one aside. It’s like throwing away your wallet without checking it first!

Your phone is a treasure trove of personal information – photos, messages, contacts, and more. If you sell or give away your phone without wiping it clean, you’re handing over all that juicy data to someone else.

So, before you say goodbye to your old phone, follow these steps:

  • Back It Up: Copy all the important stuff – photos, contacts, and messages – to your computer or a cloud storage service. This way, you won’t lose anything precious.
  • Delete, Delete, Delete: Go through your phone and delete anything you don’t want to keep. This includes apps, photos, messages, and anything else that might contain personal information.
  • Factory Reset: The final step is to perform a factory reset. This wipes your phone clean, removing all your data and settings.

By following these steps, you’re making sure that your personal information stays private. Don’t let your old phone become a security risk!