
Don’t click that – a guide to spotting phishing emails

You get a strange email. It looks kind of official, maybe even from a company you know. But before you click anything, take a deep breath and read carefully.

Cybercriminals are sneaky, and they love to trick people into clicking on links or downloading files that contain malware. These nasty little programs can steal your information, hold your computer hostage, or even spy on you.

So, how can you protect yourself? Here are some tips:

  • Know Your Senders: Always check the email address carefully. Does it look legit? If it’s from someone you don’t know, be extra cautious.
  • Beware of Urgent Messages: Phishers often create a sense of urgency, like you need to act fast. Don’t fall for it!
  • Don’t Click That Link: Links in emails can be dangerous. Even if the email looks real, avoid clicking on any links unless you’re absolutely sure they’re safe.
  • Attachments: A Risky Business: Downloading attachments from unknown senders is like opening a mystery box. You never know what’s inside. It could be a virus in disguise.

Remember, if an email feels off or looks suspicious, delete it without opening it. It’s better to be safe than sorry.