
Check your settings before joining online meetings: a quick security tip

Online meetings have become a staple for work and social interactions. But before you hit “Join,” take a moment to review your settings.

Many video conferencing platforms offer a preview screen before you officially join the meeting. This is your chance to do a quick security check:

  • Mute Your Microphone: Ensure your microphone is muted by default. This prevents any unintentional background noise or private conversations from being heard by other participants.
  • Turn Off Your Camera (If Necessary): If you’re not actively presenting or participating in a video discussion, turn off your camera. This protects your privacy and prevents distractions for other attendees.
  • Check Your Background: Be mindful of what’s visible in your background. Avoid displaying any sensitive information or clutter.

By taking these simple steps, you can ensure a more secure and professional online meeting experience.