
Beware the bait – email traps and tricky links

Ever get an email that seems a little too good to be true? Maybe it promises a surprise photo or warns of some urgent online danger. Hold on! These sneaky emails might be laced with malware, just waiting to infect your device. Here’s how to be a champion email skeptic:

  • Think Before You Click: This golden rule applies to all emails, even from seemingly familiar senders. Emails can be spoofed, meaning hackers can disguise their address to look like someone you know. Don’t automatically trust every link or attachment – take a moment to question its legitimacy.
  • Suspicious Subject Lines? Red Flag! Emails with sensational subject lines like “OMG! You won’t believe this!” are classic phishing attempts. These emails try to create a sense of urgency or excitement to trick you into clicking. If the subject line sounds fishy, it probably is!
  • Misspelled Mayhem: Professional emails from your bank or employer likely won’t have typos or grammatical errors. Emails riddled with mistakes could be a sign of a malicious sender trying to slip under your radar. Trust your gut – if something looks poorly written, it might be a trap.
  • Attachment Anxiety? Don’t Open! Unless you’re expecting a specific attachment from a trusted source, avoid opening unknown files. Malware can disguise itself as harmless documents or photos. When in doubt, delete it out!
  • Verify Before You Click: If you’re unsure about a link, hover your mouse over it (without clicking!). A preview of the actual URL should appear. Does it match the text in the email? If it looks suspicious, don’t click!

By being cautious and questioning suspicious emails, you can transform your inbox from a minefield of malware into a safe space for communication.