
Beware of mysterious hard drives

Need more storage space? It’s tempting to reuse an old hard drive or pick up a cheap one from a garage sale. But before you plug anything in, think twice.

Cybercriminals are sneaky, and they’ve figured out how to hide malware on used hard drives. It’s like finding a lost wallet with a nasty surprise inside. When you connect that infected hard drive to your computer, you’re basically inviting malware in for a visit.

So, how can you protect yourself?

  • Buy New, Not Used: When you need a new hard drive, buy it from a reputable retailer. It might cost a bit more, but it’s worth it for peace of mind.
  • Beware of Freebies: If you find a random hard drive lying around, don’t plug it into your computer. It could be a trap.
  • Scan External Drives: If you must use a used hard drive, scan it for malware before connecting it to your computer.

Remember, it’s better to be safe than sorry. By following these simple tips, you can protect your computer from harmful malware.