
Don’t be fooled by the .gov badge

Think seeing “.gov” at the end of a website means it’s safe? Think again.

Hackers are sneaky. They can register fake .gov domains and trick you into thinking you’re dealing with a legitimate government agency. They might send you emails or create websites that look exactly like the real thing.

Once you’re on their fake website, they can try to steal your personal information, like your Social Security number or credit card details.

So, how can you protect yourself?

  • Double-Check the URL: Look closely at the website address. Make sure it’s the correct domain name for the government agency you’re trying to reach.
  • Beware of Suspicious Emails: If you receive an email from a government agency asking for personal information, be cautious. Verify the sender’s email address and contact the agency directly using a phone number you know is legitimate.
  • Never Click on Links in Unsolicited Emails: If you’re unsure about an email, don’t click on any links or attachments.
  • Use Strong Passwords: Protect your online accounts with strong, unique passwords. This makes it harder for hackers to access your information.

Remember, even if a website looks like it’s from a government agency, it might not be what it seems. Stay vigilant and protect yourself from online scams.