
E-skimming: the sneaky online shoplift

Ever wondered how those online shopping scams happen? Well, there’s a sneaky trick called e-skimming that cybercriminals use to steal your credit card information.

Imagine you’re shopping online and you reach the checkout page. You enter your credit card details, thinking everything is safe. But what you don’t know is that a tiny piece of malicious code, hidden on the website, is secretly copying down your card number, expiration date, and security code. This is e-skimming.

These sneaky little code snippets are like digital pickpockets, stealing your card details right from under your nose. Once they have your information, cybercriminals can use it to create fake cards or go on a shopping spree.

So, how can you protect yourself? Here are some tips:

  • Look for the Lock: Always check for the padlock symbol in your browser’s address bar before entering payment information. This indicates a secure connection.
  • Beware of Fake Websites: Be cautious of websites that look similar to popular stores. Typos in the website address are a common red flag.
  • Use Credit Cards, Not Debit Cards: Credit cards offer more protection against fraud than debit cards.
  • Monitor Your Accounts: Regularly check your bank and credit card statements for any suspicious activity.

By following these tips, you can significantly reduce your risk of falling victim to e-skimming. Stay vigilant and protect your hard-earned money!