
Clean out your inbox, protect your privacy

Your email inbox is like a digital filing cabinet, stuffed with all sorts of stuff. Unfortunately, it can also be a treasure trove for hackers. If they manage to break into your email, they can snoop through your messages and steal your personal information.

Imagine if someone found a physical filing cabinet with your passport and social security card just sitting out in the open. That’s basically what happens when you leave sensitive information in your email.

So, how can you protect yourself?

  • Spring Cleaning for Your Inbox: Regularly delete old emails, especially ones with personal information like bank statements, passwords, or social security numbers.
  • Password Power-Up: Change your email password every 90 days (or even more often). This makes it harder for hackers to access your account.
  • Be Careful What You Share: Avoid sending sensitive information through email. If you must, use encrypted methods or consider alternative ways to share the data.

Remember, your email account is a digital reflection of you. Keep it clean and organized to protect your privacy.